On Monday, June 5th, GLAM Properties had the privilege of attending the Kansas City Public Library for Kansas City's Missouri City Council Candidate Housing and Real Estate Development Forum. The focus of the gathering was a forum where Kansas City's council candidates had the opportunity to speak on housing and real estate development. The event was skillfully moderated by Nick Haines from PBS, and it featured an array of council candidates, including Kevin O'Neill, Ronda Smith, Lindsay French, Jenay Manley, Sheri Hall, Brandon Ellington, Melissa Patterson Hazley, Justin Short, Michael Kelly, Darell Curtis, Dan Tarwater, Johnathan Duncan, and Jill Sasse.
As a Real Estate Investors Management Boutique, GLAM Properties recognizes the significance of understanding the challenges faced in Kansas City, particularly within our designated GLAM Project area. During the forum, we gained valuable insights into the sentiments of Kansas City, Missouri residents regarding the very individuals who provide them with housing—landlords.
One phrase that resonated throughout the evening was "people over profits." While we

acknowledge the importance of prioritizing people's well-being, it is crucial to recognize that being a landlord is not solely about profit. Landlords support their families by providing housing, and it is disheartening to hear the perception that they should do so without receiving rent payments. GLAM Properties believes that it is essential to consider all aspects of the housing crisis.
The rising house prices, for instance, have multiple contributing factors, one of which is often overlooked—construction costs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prices of labor and materials increased significantly. When landlords purchase properties at these higher price points, they must be able to cover mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance, and also set aside funds for potential repairs. None of this is possible if tenants fail to pay their rent.
While we acknowledge the need for more affordable housing options for individuals in various situations, we also believe in empowering people to improve their circumstances through education and self-improvement. GLAM Properties is dedicated to providing services and resources to communities in need, regardless of where they are on the socioeconomic spectrum. Our offerings include Credit Repair and Build a Foundation program. Our mission is to collaborate with communities to identify their needs and work together toward a better future.
However, it is important to distinguish between those who genuinely seek to better themselves and those who solely rely on handouts. Organizations like KC Tenant Power, who advocate for not paying rent, seem to overlook the underlying responsibilities landlords shoulder, such as mortgages, taxes, and insurance. We firmly disagree with their stance, as it fails to consider the best approach for everyone involved.
In conclusion, GLAM Properties values the opportunity to be part of the dialogue surrounding housing and real estate development in Kansas City. We are committed to making a positive impact on our community and providing valuable resources for those who are actively seeking self-improvement. By working together, we can create a brighter future for all residents of Kansas City